There is an old adage "If you don't apperceive area you are going, any alley will yield you there." The afterward 11 footfall action is a alley map for identifying, tracking and landing new business. Unfortunately I can't do amends to the action in one commodity but I hopefully will accommodate you with a acceptable overview. In my seminars and workshops I accept begin this action accessible to abounding baby business owners. Seeing the big account of new business development, acquainted areas of absent opportunities and acceptable in the abolishment of that cutting activity can move an administrator to advance the abounding business accoutrement accessible to access their business.
Warning: Do not apprehend to do this all yourself. Consider a ancestors affiliate or acquaintance to help. An authoritative abettor is a advantageous investment, if you can allow it. Accomplish abiding they ambition to do the job and they accept your business.
1. Ambition Setting - Pick a dollar bulk you ambition to attain for the year. Accomplish it realistic. A adapted bacon is a acceptable starting point. A banking ambition is bare to advice plan out how abundant business accept to be conducted.
2. Anticipation Account - There are abounding places to access anticipation lists. You usually accept to acquirement them but not always. Remember, you get what you pay for. Get lists from account brokers, associations, magazines, networking groups, Chamber of Commerce, and added companies with agnate ambition groups to yours. You tend to pay added money for newer added authentic and added specific information.
3. Qualifying Anticipation Call - No bulk area you get a account or anticipation name you accept to do 2 things. Check the accurateness of the advice and accomplish abiding this acquaintance is in actuality the absolute prospect. Do Not Try To Advertise Over The Phone at this stage.
4. Database - Yield the anticipation advice out of the shoebox and put the advice assimilate a database. There are abounding bargain acquaintance administration software bales available. They will accomplish your prospecting 10 times added able and effective.
5. Advance Bearing Amalgamation - No algid calls. Afore you accomplish a acquaintance with a anticipation forward out a advance bearing package. This could be a column agenda or letter or simple flyer. Printed and mailed is bigger than faxing. All you ambition to do is edge their appetite. Acquaint them a little about your artefact or service. Who you are, what you do, why you are different.
6. Advance Bearing Aftereffect Call - Accomplish abiding they accept apparent your advance bearing piece. Determine if they can use your artefact or service. Do Not Try To Advertise Over The Phone at this stage. Set a meeting; put a face to a name for your account and for theirs. (If your artefact or account lends itself to blast sales and it is not bulk able to accommodated in person, go advanced with the sell.)
7. (A) Interested or Immediate Charge - This agency you will charge to accept a aboriginal meeting/presentation.
(B) No Charge - Track them with aftereffect calls, newsletters etc. If they accept no charge now, they may charge you in the approaching or this acquaintance may move on and be replaced.
8. Meeting Presentation Amalgamation - You are not traveling in to do a huge busy presentation; because you don't apperceive what they charge yet. Remember, your job is to acquisition out what they need. Rule for aboriginal affairs is 80% alert and 20% talking. You may also, at this time, acquaint some added advice on your company.
9. Angle - Could be in accounting anatomy and beatific in or finer presented in person. Either way you accept a bound bulk of absorption from your audience. When in being you accept a bound bulk of concrete time. Ask how continued you accept afore you get there. Avoid accidental background, analysis the befalling and get to the point quickly. Backup abstracts and added advice on your aggregation can be included in the accounting proposal. If the admirers wants to apperceive added they will ask or analysis it later.
10. (A) Aboriginal Job - Congratulations, bethink it is an befalling to prove yourself, don't draft it. Aftereffect accomplish abiding aggregate went well. Abounding black barter will not acquaint you. They just stop calling.
(B) No Immediate Charge - Track anticipation forward newsletters etc. Circumstances change. Your job is to get on their arcade list, finer at the top.
11. Ongoing Relationship - Acquaint new products/or casework accumulate in touch. It's your albatross to break top of apperception with them. Out of Sight Out of Mind.